Meaning of 'Not in Stock' and more

  • Not In Stock simply means we don't have any on hand.
  • It does NOT mean the item is 'Sold Out' and/or we can't get more.
  • Not In Stock FTD titles are available only with the next new FTD Release.
  • You can check here to see what is the next announced FTD release. (If there is one).
  • With most items we will not be able to tell you when we will have the item.
  • We will order for you (if not already on order) and supply you when we have it.

The Stock Status is so you can make an informed choice as to if, when and how you order.

  • Generally, we cannot know when an item will be in stock.
  • We may even be waiting for people to order before we in turn order!!!!

What does 'FTD No Stock' mean?

Follow That Dream (FTD) are currently out of stock of this title. It will not be available until the release following the currently announced release.

  • Orders containing 'Not In Stock' items will be sent ONLY when all available.
  • Not In Stock FTD titles are available only with the next new FTD Release.
  • You can check here to see what is the next announced release. (If there is one).
  • Not In Stock simply means we don't have any on hand.
  • It does NOT mean the item is 'Sold Out' and/or we can't get more.
  • With most items we will not be able to tell you when we will have the item.
  • We will order for you (if not already on order) and supply you when we have it.

What does 'In Stock Soon' mean?

'In Stock Soon' means we have an order containing the item (could be just 1, could be dozens or more) on the way to us. But, there is also no guarantee that the items (or item) won't sell out before they arrive to us. So you should place an order ...

Or if you don't like waiting, simply look for something else that we have in stock!

Creation date: 8/30/2019 10:57 PM      Updated: 11/29/2019 10:24 PM